Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ancient women to how to deal with menstruation?

Primitive society, the woman's menstrual is not any treatment measures, they would only use straw or leaves to smear blood smear even matter.

Excessive to the slave period, there has been a gradual human civilization, this time the women bark or animal skins sewn underwear modesty, to menstruation, some drying on mats to absorb bloodied, and how to wash genital.

The feudal society, mankind gradually invented silk, weaving, and gradually get rid of the bark and other raw hides things, clothes become the biggest symbol of civilization. This time, not before the invention of paper, the women are stuffed into small ash cloth, thread-two with the wrist, as the so-called health zone. According to the replacement of a few wealthy extent to decide. The replacement of the health zone, drained breathe inside dirt things, health water increases with GE and other decontamination soap washing. Dried later use, urgent, it will dry with a moderate. This is basically when people can enjoy privacy in the conditions.

Some well-off families, women will be prepared for the clean cotton and other goods, with the production of health materials. However, because the new absorbent cotton is not easy, so many women more receptive to the ash.

Mankind invented paper, toilet paper and other easily absorb moisture while useful things. Direct use of toilet paper or toilet paper folders in the health belt use, some wealthy families using the ritual health with the White production, which in addition to the White toughness, still relatively pure and relatively Health. However, as this paper is expensive, and not all families can play consumption.

Female physical health, only more affluent families would arouse the attention of women in social life, has been relatively low, many people imagined, and the girls themselves are to find a solution to the ebb and menstruation difficult. Some of the girls will use such items as cotton plug, into the vagina, in an attempt to stop the outflow of bloodied, the girls were lifelong use of sanitary belt.

Ancient very traditional, very few bazaar with the sale of health, there is also only Peddlers or some rouge gouache shop will sell. So basically the use of women are with the health of their own. Women will be between small-old, big-small. Production of Health to learn from each other with the technical and skills. Some dexterous women, but also in the health belt embroidered motifs.

Women use the health zone, the conditions under which the family decided to get a new frequency and preparation of a few. Some women with a health edge accompany life.

Because of the conditions of health and heavy labor, and many women are suffering from a serious gynecological disease, men with ancient knowledge in the health aspects of the master, thus often bring many women to the bacteria. Pity some Xi Xiang Yu, male, for their positive women to buy materials to produce health zone, but also to collect some male female health band music. However, most men believe that women's health is with the evil, dirty symbol. Very taboo see women with health.

Along with the development of papermaking technology, the modern civilization period, sanitary napkins gradually into the family, women did not really get to do women enjoy the fun. Women's physiology will be revolutionary changes.


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